The Coca of Mossèn Cinto is a genuine expression of our bread-making tradition, of patience and skill. Often neglected by the frantic pace imposed by the modern way of life, this popular wisdom of doing things well is once more emerging as a valued asset, encompassing certain prized values given contemporary expression in, for example ecological food, “slow” food, or “zero kilometer” products.
Bread, the food of humans since time immemorial, is a perfect test bed for trying out this new way of doing things. A philosophy which combines pleasure with knowledge, which cultivates the sense of taste, which confers dignity upon food and natural products, as opposed to the standardization of taste in gastronomy, and which promotes the safeguarding of the country’s food heritage and culinary traditions . Such as the Coca of Cinto Mossèn.
In Cal Mossèn, our day-to-day task is to preserve the essence of the past and to promote its virtues. Adding our own efforts to the experience of our fathers and the knowledge which they have handed down to us, our aim is to produce a bread of quality.
This can only be achieved through love and care for the bread.
Through constant work, through experience acquired by a process of research and ceaseless technical innovation. A mixture of tradition with modernity- and a pinch of culinary poetry, which we need to know how to give in just the right degree.