Where can we find Cal Mossèn’s Coca bread?
30 de November del 2017
Where can we find Cal Mossèn’s Coca bread?View more
Cal Mossèn’s Coca bread cannot be found in bakeries or in small establishments, since we have oriented our production exclusively to the restoration.
We seek excellence and all the guarantees of a high quality product, therefore, the cocas are made daily, on demand and handmade, with natural ingredients and in very small batches, of a maximum of 50 units.
In addition, we also take care of the transfer of the cocas to the establishments and restaurants with which we collaborate. We take care of the presentation and we try that, once there, they stay in the best conditions that help to preserve all the extraordinary qualities of this product.
This allows us to guarantee a Mossèn Cinto’s Coca that gives the same sensations as those that the family bakery had in the past.